It's all about dreams
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"Wool! It's so cold, I think we may be twin sisters now."
"Hold up," Conner said. " You went through all that trouble for a guy? Were there not any available mermen?"
"Perhaps that is the lesson of my story," the spirit said.
"I've got an idea," Conner said. He placed his lantern on the ground and took a step closer to Malum law. "Bad dog! Very bad dog! Sit!"
The wolves and Alex all had the same exact expression on their faces. What was he doing?
"I said sit! That's a very bad dog! Go to your basket!" Continued Conner, shaking his index finger at Malumclaw. Whatever he thought he was doing was failing miserably, and it was just insulting the wolves.
"I changed my mind," Malumclaw told his pack. " You can eat their limbs."
"Well, I'm out of ideas," Conner said, looking back at his sister.
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"Wool! It's so cold, I think we may be twin sisters now."

"Hold up," Conner said. " You went through all that trouble for a guy? Were there not any available mermen?"
"Perhaps that is the lesson of my story," the spirit said.
"I've got an idea," Conner said. He placed his lantern on the ground and took a step closer to Malum law. "Bad dog! Very bad dog! Sit!"
The wolves and Alex all had the same exact expression on their faces. What was he doing?
"I said sit! That's a very bad dog! Go to your basket!" Continued Conner, shaking his index finger at Malumclaw. Whatever he thought he was doing was failing miserably, and it was just insulting the wolves.
"I changed my mind," Malumclaw told his pack. " You can eat their limbs."
"Well, I'm out of ideas," Conner said, looking back at his sister.